Saturday, November 15, 2014

A heck of a lot has happened since my last post. I was having a huge supply issue and my freezer stash was dwindling fast. I made the decision to try a supplement, Go-Lacta, to help. Did it work for me? Absolutely not! I'll throw out the disclaimer that I am not a lactation consultant or a representative of any company. Any views expressed in this blog are from my personal experience and I show no affiliation with anything. I read reviews about Go-Lacta and there were lots of positives. I made it through a month's supply with no help.

So, what now? A few of my friends had results from domperidone. It's a medication that can't be obtained easily. I made the decision to try it out and placed the order. During the wait, I decided to try Reglan. Again, I heard good things from persons in my circle. Reglan comes with a slew of side effects. A SLEW!!! I hate taking medications so those who know me will read this blog entry and drop a jaw in disbelief. When I do take medications, whether prescription or over the counter, I never experience side effects. Until Reglan. I took it for 3 days. I was only given a 7 day supply. Did it work? Yes. I went from pumping 1 3/4 oz every 3 hours to pumping 2.5. However, I had trouble staying awake. I sat at work slapping myself in the face trying to keep my eyes open. Here I am, a sleep deprived single mom with a full-time job who's already struggling to be functional, falling asleep. I stopped taking it because I couldn't work. Period. It made me a zombie! So I continued my pumping as scheduled, waiting on what I hoped to be my miracle drug.

Fast forward 3 weeks when my domperidone comes in. I've watched my freezer stash dwindle to 60ish ounces from numbers well into the 3 digits. After a week, I was pumping 3.5-5 oz per session! Woooooo!!!!!! I thought it was a fluke, somehow. I hoped it wasn't, but feared it was. After the second week, I was still producing the same amount. Recently, for the first time in months, I pumped 6 ounces. 6!!!! I thought I was going to cry out of pure joy. Actually, I did. I even took pictures of the milk bottles and sent them to a few close friends. I felt like I was finally back where I was before the curse of 12 hour shifts came into play. I only take it twice a day. It works extremely well for me and it was the best choice I could've made!

So, like I said, a lot has happened. I didn't want to make any posts until I had a result. Thankfully, after 2 or 3 momths of uncertainty, I report good news! I bid you adieu. Until next time!