Tuesday, December 16, 2014

In 2 weeks my little munchkin turns a year old. Where did the time go? I'm happy to report that I have enough of a stash in my freezer that I could stop breastfeeding right now and she would not have a drop of formula!!! Woohoo! What that means is I will successfully make a year of breastfeeding. It's been the hardest, most trying time of my life. I never knew that the decision to breastfeed would lead to such a difficult journey! Do I regret anything? Absolutely not. Would I change anything? Yes. I would've gone for the hospital grade pump a little sooner. Other than that, absolutely not. KH wasn't always a healthy ox. She found her fair share of viruses and allergy induced infections. Overall, though, she's a happy, healthy, vibrant, thriving human being. It's still crazy to me to think that she is who she is because of me. I grew her for 9 months in my body, for 6 months on exclusive breastmilk, and through (almost) 12 months on mainly breastmilk with some food for fun. A friend said breastfeeding made her feel empowered and I agree. I grew a human for almost 2 years!!

The next question is: how long do I keep going? People ask me that all the time and I give them the same answer every time. I don't know. It's up to her. She's at the distractable time now so breastfeeding is often challenging. She won't stay focused long enough to get to the let down. It's frustrating to her and even moreso to me. However, she also grabs at my clothes to get to what she wants. It's fun asking her, "Want some boobs?" Her response is a giggle and a head dive into my chest. I figure I'll let her make the decision to wean.

My job continues to be absolutely amazing and very flexible. I recently applied for a "normal" position in the schools. By normal, I mean 8-4 Mon-Fri. No more 12 hour shifts!!!! In the interview for the position, I was asked about pumping and how it would apply to the job. They asked how it would be included into my day-to-day activities and if it would work out. I can't even begin to express the gratitude I've felt with my supervisors in this continued journey. I wish every woman could have the opportunity I have!

Luckily, she only has 2 1/2 teeth. She bit me once and it was when she was distracted. It was absolutely accidental. She is waaaaaay behind the grade compared to all of my friends and I am completely okay with it! She has the 1/2 tooth and another about to break through. I keep telling myself that it will be alright but I'm completely gun shy. Yikes!

I'll post again after our year mark. It's so close!!

Until next time!