Saturday, January 17, 2015

After 2 weeks of working 8-4 Monday-Friday, I feel like a whole new person. Not working 12 hour shifts makes life so much easier. KH sleeps better and is less tired. She still wakes up 1-3 times every night so not much has changed there. We hit the year mark and a weight lifted from my shoulders. Whew!!! I now only pump once a day at work. I feed her as close to drop off time as possible, pump at noon, and feed her as soon as I get to the sitter. No engorgement and I pump 4-5 ounces. Not being a slave to the pump is amazing. I look at that thing and shake in fear. Well, not really, but it's definitely a hate/hate relationship. I'm still using the Symphony hospital grade pump. Even though it's nicer than the personal pump, I still hate it.

Nursing KH is "fun" now. She's finally getting teeth and I feel them on a regular basis. She doesn't bite, per se. I think her terrible latch adjusts and causes it to happen. Plus, she gets really distracted and tries to take me with her. I don't say anything to her because she's not doing it on purpose. That doesn't mean it doesn't feel uncomfortable!

I still get asked regularly how long I'm going to keep breastfeeding. Not that it's anyone's business, but I really don't know. She still likes it, it's better for her than cow's milk, and it's free. I'm not trying to make a statement. I'm simply doing what's natural and best. Maybe I'll make a few people around me realize it's okay and not abnormal to breastfeed longer. I'm only one person, but I hate the society belief that a walking baby shouldn't be breastfeeding. We make changes one person at a time, right? Okay, okay, small rant over. I'm off to enjoy my day off with my munchkin. Until next time!