Tuesday, February 3, 2015

13 months!!!! I made 13 months of breastfeeding. I can't tell you how excited I am to be able to say I hit another milestone. The challenges don't stop. My poor kid is on her 3rd virus in 4 months. Hellllloooooo sleepless nights of worry and waking up to a crying baby. I made the comment a few days ago that I felt like I had a newborn again. I was so sleep deprived I was stupid. Like, couldn't complete a sentence. I could say it in my mind but it wouldn't come out my mouth.

One major challenge with all of her current congestion is BITING. Ouch! The teeth are a new thing for her and she's not really sure what to do with them. She's so congested that she has to break her latch to catch her breath. That would be awesome if she hadn't realized that she can open her mouth and bite me to keep in the right place. She got me one day and I didn't think she was going to let go! I had to grab the back of her neck to get her to let go. Yesterday she was getting ready for bed. I laid her on her boppy, like I do every night. She giggled at me, shook her head, and bit down. She didn't even pretend to try to latch. I yelled, "Ouch!" at her and she laughed. Um, no. Mommy don't play that game! I put her in her crib and walked out of the room. She started screaming immediately. I grounded her from the boob for a minute. I've been told I need to wait a minute per year of age so a minute was all she got. I walked back in, put her back in the original position, and she ate like she was supposed to.

Everyday is a new day with her and I love them all. I hate that she's been sick, but love the great cuddles. I'm ready to see the next battle she sends me.

Until next time!