Friday, March 13, 2015

Happy Friday night! It's been 6 days since daylight savings. I will say, at the age of 32, I officially despise the concept of daylight savings time! My schedule is screwed.  KH's schedule is screwed. It's made for some long nights and exhausting days. Seriously. Who's idea was this? Clearly it was a bachelor who has no kids anywhere. Geez... Rant. Over. 

KH is 14.5 months old. Yes, I still count. The weeks ran together due to exhaustion, exhaustion, work, exhaustion, and a little bit of exhaustion. I can do the math to calculate months. That's easy! We're still breastfeeding! It's still a new challenge everyday. I now work 5 days a week and she expects her boobs before I can put her in the truck. One day I showed up at the sitter and she was at the end of the hallway. She saw me, smiled, started her normal grunt that translates to "hi mom," ran right past me and straight to the loveseat I feed her on. She stood in front of it, hit the cushion, and grunted more. Gee, what could she want? I put her on the love seat with me and she tried to unzip my zipper. Seriously. No joke. She knows what she wants and how to get to it! 

For about 2 weeks, everytime she nursed on the left side from a side lie position, I felt her teeth. I know I've said it before and I'll gladly say it again: TEETH HURT! I made adjustments throughout the day and made it work. Bedtime was the big problem. She didn't want to sit up to nurse, she wanted to lay down! I had to bite my lip several times and suffer through it. I tried a different position every night before putting her in side lie. Finally, after days of borderline excruciating discomfort, I felt no teeth! I don't mean my nipples got use to it, I mean she readjusted her nursing style to accomodate the position she liked. Whew! That was a huge hurdle to jump and one I'm extremely glad she did. 

That's my brief insight into the current world of me breastfeeding toddler KH. Hope all is well. Until next time!