Saturday, June 6, 2015

Howdy breastfeeders, single parents, cops, or random person who has stumbled upon my blog. I write to you today to tell you a fun fact. KH has officially received tooth #7 at 17 months!!!

Wait. What? Why is that important? Most kids have way more teeth at this point in the game. Yes, that's very true. My kid is a late bloomer. The significance of this isn't the time frame. The significance is the teeth marks engrained on my nipple. Yeah, you read that right.

One day, breastfeeding was the same random fun it always was: acrobatics, abuse (slapping, punching, teeth grabbing), movement (arm rolls, ab strengthening, and more punching), and the loving part of 4 seconds of eye contact. The next day, I had a 7th tooth popping through the surface and an undeniable pain. I originally thought it was her fingernails as she has a habit of grabbing my boob while eating. Then, after cutting her individual daggers and removing them from my skin, I realized it was teeth.

When I mentioned my pain, people referred to it as biting. It's not at all! KH has done a lot of not-so-nice things in our breastfeeding journey. I've felt a bite or two. Trust me, there's no, "Was that a bite?" moment when it comes to breastfeeding. In our current situation, it's obviously not an intentional bite. What it is, is a.... I really don't know. Maybe a comfort thing?

When I started feeling teeth, I did like I'd always done and figured out how to fix the problem! I noticed it hurt like hell to feed her the normal side lie way.  I held her upright against my shoulder while I rocked her. No teeth. No pain. It was always painful on the left side, never the right. I noticed a small sore on my nipple which was causing the continued pain. I let it airdry after feeds, then expressed a little more milk to rub on it. It's healing quickly and healing well.

So that's our current hurdle. Like everything else, it's a small one and we'll get through it. Until next time!