Thursday, August 20, 2015

What's the one thing every female cop loves the most about summer patrols? The vest! It's so cozy, comforting, and breathes extremely well, right? Clearly you understand the sarcasm in that statement... I went back to patrol over the summer and back to the 12 hour shifts. Texas is known for it's cool temps and low humidity during the summer months. No. Not ever. EVER! This summer was absolutely brutal! We had above average rain before the summer hit so the humidity was absolutely horrific. The temperatures in my area hit the 100s for the first time in almost 2 years. What does that mean? Sweat. All day. Before the sun came up, the humidity was at high percentages. It wasn't unusual to wake up to temperatures in the high 70's with "feel like" temperatures in the high 80's and 90's. I started my shift at 7 am. I started sweating around 7:01 am. My shift ended at 7 pm. That means I stopped sweating for the day at approximately 8 pm. Do the math. That's 12 hours and 59 minutes of constant sweating!

What does that mean? A lot! #1: Everyone knows you need to stay hydrated to keep producing breastmilk. I drank water. Water. Water. And more water. There were times I felt I was going to float out of my car and into traffic. However, I sweat so much, I only peed 3-4 times in 12 hours. Do the math. That's not a lot. Since I was 18-19 months in, I decided to pump once during shift. During my 8 hour shifts, I gave up on pumping. 12 hours was too long. I decided 2 pm would be my lunch/pump time. I pumped anywhere from 2.5-4.5 ounces, depending on my hydration level. I say that to reiterate the fact that breastmilk highly relies on hydration. If you're breastfeeding your baby, DRINK WATER!

My other problem I had is one that's gross. At least it was gross to me. After the first week on patrol, I developed a rash. I though it was a heat rash so I brushed it out of my mind. I would clean it more, try to keep it cool/dry whenever possible, etc.  I tried Aquaphor, Gold Bond cream, and baby powder to dry it up. Nothing worked. I didn't seek medical help because it only bothered me when KH scratched it. When that happened, holy shit! I decided after a month and a half of the persistence that I would go see a doc. The diagnosis: fungal infection. Gross. Seriously? I thought it was heat rash? Apparently the heat, humidity, and closed vest with no air movement was the perfect environment for that fungus to grow. Gross. I shutter still, just thinking about it! I got on an antifungal prescription and it cleared up in no time. It's still gross, though. Bleh!

KH is now coming up on 20 months old. She still loves boobs. I can't pick her up after work and get into the truck without her feeding. If I try to put her straight into her carseat she screams. Loudly. With real tears. I love that she enjoys it and knows it's our time. I'm trying to think about how we will eventually wean from that. I'm back on my 8 hour schedule so life can resume it's normalcy. The long 12 hour days suck for a kid. I can't say that enough! I've been on 8 hour shifts for 2 days and she's already happier and more fun to be around. I can't wait to see what lies ahead for she and I!!

That's all I've got for y'all tonight. Until next time!