Thursday, October 22, 2015

Weight gain and breastfeeding

I read an interesting post on our local La Lehe League Facebook page that lead to this discussion: gaining weight while breastfeeding. Everything you read says breastfeeding will melt the pounds off of you and get rid of your pregnancy weight. Did that happen to me? Um, no. We're almost 22 months in with breastfeeding. I left the hospital at 152 pounds, my pre-pregnancy weight. I started a weight loss challenge with my department 2.5 weeks ago. My initial weight was 180. Almost 30 pounds heavier! As a Police Officer, physical fitness is a priority. So what happens when you gain so much weight instead of losing it, and why?

The post was filled with moms who had the same experience as me. Weight gain. Lots of it! I read an article that said your body stores up fat to be able to provide for breastmilk. Okay, that makes sense. When KH was younger, I remember feeling ravished all the time. All. The. Time! I couldn't eat enough calories to make her or me happy. I ate anything and everything I could because I had to. I would shake from hunger on a regular basis. I found myself eating things with sugar in them because I knew I would get instant gratification and it would hold me over for a few minutes.

In the weight loss challenge, I'm down almost 10 pounds. I decided to do a combination of the paleo and whole 30 programs. Why do I think this is important? Both of the programs are artificial sugar free and involve eating fresh foods. I've learned that I eat less and am hungry less often. It has caused my body to require less food in meeting the nutritional requirements. Win! I've also drank a lot more water. Several times I have scarfed down a normal portion and still felt hungry. The kid wouldn't allow for me to get another plate so I would drink a glass of water and take care of her. I knew I could always eat after. Funny thing, after a few minutes, I was full. A lot of times hunger pangs are associated with dehydration. It's not always the case, but I've noticed a big change in myself.

I'm happy with my success but know there's no way I would have had the time for the meal preparations I'm doing now in my early parenting stages. No way at all. In fact, I barely had the chance to heat up a can of ravioli!

So... What are y'all's experiences? I'm curious to know. I'm on birth control so I wonder if hormones are a factor. That's the only thing different in my life. It's at least something to think about. Let me know if anyone has any ideas or similarities!

Until next time!