Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Who Knew?

This post isn't specifically breastfeeding related.  Sorry, yet not sorry.  This post is all about the unsolicited advice about sleeping that everyone feels you need.  Boom! I got your attention back :-)  The biggest question, from the day I left the hospital, was, "How does she sleep?"  My response, every time, is that she is up every 2-3 hours.  Response from said person who asked the question, "You should add cereal to the bottle, add an extra feed at night, read this book, let her cry...." I lo(athed)ved hearing that question.  Every parent has a different parenting style. Mine is very pro-baby.  If she cries, I figure out why.  For a breastfed baby, it's common for them to wake up more regularly.  Breastmilk leaves the body quicker because it's easier to digest. Therefore, breastfed babies tend to wake up more in the middle of the night.  Cool.  I get it.  I know that.  I made the choice to breastfeed and wake up every 2-3 hours with my kiddo.  I understand. The major question is... Why can't everyone else?

Why is it that the most important question to a mom with a baby is, "How much does he/she sleep?" Why can't it be, "What is your baby doing developmentally?" That is so much more encompassing than sleep.  Who cares how much mom sleeps?  As long as baby is happy, healthy, and having a good time, it's no big deal.  I made the decision, as a single mom, to make the breastfeeding journey.  If I had a question, I asked.  If I wanted advice, I asked.  I was determined that my kid and I would eventually be on the same sleeping schedule and I would not push the issue.  Guess what?  It happened!

Today, KH is 15 months and some change on the weeks.  AKA, she's almost 16 months.  Guess what?  She sleeps through the night! How long has that been happening consistently?  2 weeks.  2. 2 weeks.  You read it right.  Want to read it again? 2 weeks.  That's how long my child has been sleeping through the night at almost 16 months.  How do I feel about it?  Well, I wake up a few times a night to make sure the monitor is still on.  When my alarm goes off, I pick my boobs up and move them because they still haven't adjusted to the overnight sleeping.  Frankly, it hurts.  Would I change it? Absolutely not!

So my advice, to new sleep-deprived moms embarking on the journey is to ignore the advice.  Enjoy your time with your baby.  Enjoy your breastfeeding fiasco.  Enjoy the middle-of-the-night feeds with Netflix in your background for, what seems like, hours and hours and hours.  Enjoy responding to your babies cues and cries.  Enjoy the bonding that no one else can experience.  Enjoy being a mom.  After all, your baby only gets one.  You want to be the best one you can be.

Until next time!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

So, since my last post, I've had the opportunity to use the Medela Lactina pump. It's in the hospital grade style so I was okay with giving it a shot. My advice to anyone who tries it? Ask for directions. I used it the first time and was completely overwhelmed! I started my hospital grade lifestyle with the Ferrari Symphony. I pushed a button and everything else worked out. The Lactina is different. You have to turn a knob and turn another thingymajig while holding the flanges up to your boobs and not letting anything fall out. Um. I... I can't! For me, I didn't even think to ask. I had the parts and figured it would all be super easy. What happened, instead, is an open sore. That's right! Somewhere in the twisting and holding, I managed to move the flange the right way to "rub me the wrong way." Ha! Get it? Rubbed me the wrong way? Okay, okay. Pun's are over. Really, though, when I got it going the way it should be, it was pretty awesome. It worked within the hospital-grade suction and my pump time was in the 10-15 minute range. Had I started with that pump instead of the Symphony, I probably would've loved it. Instead, I started with the best and switched to the, to me, mediocre. Same results within the same time. I'll take the Symphony anyday, but the Lactina is a great alternative! Ladies and gents, I'm out. Until next time!