Sunday, April 5, 2015

So, since my last post, I've had the opportunity to use the Medela Lactina pump. It's in the hospital grade style so I was okay with giving it a shot. My advice to anyone who tries it? Ask for directions. I used it the first time and was completely overwhelmed! I started my hospital grade lifestyle with the Ferrari Symphony. I pushed a button and everything else worked out. The Lactina is different. You have to turn a knob and turn another thingymajig while holding the flanges up to your boobs and not letting anything fall out. Um. I... I can't! For me, I didn't even think to ask. I had the parts and figured it would all be super easy. What happened, instead, is an open sore. That's right! Somewhere in the twisting and holding, I managed to move the flange the right way to "rub me the wrong way." Ha! Get it? Rubbed me the wrong way? Okay, okay. Pun's are over. Really, though, when I got it going the way it should be, it was pretty awesome. It worked within the hospital-grade suction and my pump time was in the 10-15 minute range. Had I started with that pump instead of the Symphony, I probably would've loved it. Instead, I started with the best and switched to the, to me, mediocre. Same results within the same time. I'll take the Symphony anyday, but the Lactina is a great alternative! Ladies and gents, I'm out. Until next time!

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