Saturday, March 22, 2014

Well, IT finally happened today.  What is IT you ask? IT is THAT call.  The one that makes you say, "Oh crap, I'm going to be here a while."  In fact, I was on scene for 202 minutes.  I got to the 4 hour post-pump mark before I had to call my supervisor and say, "It hurts.  Please send relief!!"  It's such a crazy feeling.  It's not even the engorgement for me, it's the nipples.  They start to feel like they have rockets shooting through them.  I kept adjusting my bulletproof vest and I finally had to break down and tell the guy on scene why.  He said he understood.  Well, he didn't know how I felt, but he grasped the idea.  When relief came, I was soooooo happy! It was only 4.5 hours from one pump session to the next.  I'm used to pumping 4 oz a time, every 2-3 hours.  This time, it was 6.5 oz!!  From an outsider's perspective that has never felt the feeling, 2.5 oz doesn't seem like much.  From my perspective and the pain level, 2.5 oz is a lot!!

One of the guys at work came up to me today and adjusted his bulletproof vest through his uniform.  What's funny is the Sergeant looked at him like, "What the hell are you doing?"  I simply said, "It's cool, he's just making fun of me."  It was in a joking way and I knew it.  He said my life must revolve around the pump.  I told him no, it revolves around the boobs.  If I'm not working, KH's mouth does the work, not the pump.  Then he called me a good momma.  Awwwww.

I was asked once upon a time about leaking.  Surprisingly, I haven't done that.  Even today when I was in excruciating pain and (almost but not really) busting out of the seams, I didn't leak.  I'm lucky in that sense.  I don't know how much milk the Bamboobie's hold but I'm sure that would've tested the limit.

The next problem I'm going to have to worry about is sweating in the Texas heat.  Today only got to 80 and I was sweating profusely.  I'm worried about the sweat soaking the pad and causing problems.  I guess it's something I'll have to figure out and report back!

Until next time...

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