Thursday, March 27, 2014

I'm halfway through my week off and I'm sad there's only a few days left. This post has nothing to do with work and everything to do with single parenting.

I had someone tell me, again, that they don't know how I do it as a single mom. To be honest, I don't know how couples do it. I have been fortunate in the matter that KH doesn't have many meltdowns. She doesn't have colic and her 1 all day crying session was from reflux. I'm lucky enough to have friends and family who helped me out in the beginning with cooking and cleaning. After the first few weeks, it was just she and I. And that's how it's been. As a single mom, everything that happens is with her, happens with me. I don't have to share her with anyone at home and I get to have all the cuddles I want. I can't imagine sharing middle of the night duties with anyone. Is it exhausting? Absolutely! However, it's those little moments I'll never get back. No one else gets to see her smile at 2 am when we're up feeding and I'm okay with that. I clean house when she naps or I nap with her in my arms. Laundry is always done, it's just not always put up. Life is chaotic at times but it's awesome. I'm tired A LOT. However, I know that when I wake up, she's going to be 18 and moving out. So how do I do it as a single mom? Easily and selfishly one day at a time. Until next time...

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