Friday, April 4, 2014

I came to a not fun realization today.  My Holstein boob doesn't like the pump.  For those of you who aren't rednecks, a Holstein is a high producing dairy cow.  Anyway, when I started pumping, I got about 1/2 ounce more on the right side than the left.  The more I pumped, the more I noticed the equalizing of the amounts.  Now, it's a struggle to get close to equal.  I know that production can change based on how much she eats, if she feeds predominately on one side first, blah blah blah.  That's not the issue.  The milk is there, it just won't come out!  I have noticed the flow will stop and I have about a 1/2 ounce less on the right side than on the left.  I feel and notice it's not empty.  Through tons of googling about supply, expression, and pumping, I learned about squeezing.  Yes, that's right.  I couldn't figure it out without the internet.  So I started squeezing.  Sides, top, bottom, sides again, bottom again.... I noticed that I would generate quite a flow while doing this.  In fact, it would turn out to be the extra 1/2 ounce I was short.

What does this mean?  That's a good question I may never know the answer to.  It means that I have a bruise from squeezing so hard to express milk.  It means if I don't squeeze and get the bruise, I'll be engorged quicker.  Even at the end of the day when I take my vest off, the right side is knotted with the feeling of being engorged.  The left side, while it feels full, is obviously less so.  Due to the fact that I didn't pump often prior to returning to work, I can't say if it's the vest constricting and causing problems or if my body has a lack of interest in the pump.  I despise pumping too much to try to do a full day of it when I'm not at work.  Plus, KH won't take a bottle from me so that would make for a LONG day!

Today wasn't as bad when I got off work.  My normal sitter has 2 other kids that she watches all day long, as well as 2 adult relatives in her house.  I have gone to her house to feed KH on my lunch breaks in the past but generally feel like I'm messing with her routine so I leave it alone.  Today, the sitter was unavailable so she stayed with a friend of mine.  I was able to feed KH one meal from the real deal.  It's amazing how much that one instance can change your whole day!  Either way, knowing I have the problem with the Holstein boob, I started her out on that side because it's known babies suck harder and clear out the first boob quicker.  I moved her to the left one when she was done, played with her for a few minutes, then put her back on the right one.  The relief was incredible!  Knowing that she can clean it out means it's not a duct problem.  It's a pump problem.  Maybe squeezing will help my body get used to the pump?  Maybe?  Hopefully?  Please?  Only time will tell.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. I have one side thats always done more than the other. The right is always at least 6 oz and the left is close to 4 but sometimes less. I learned real quick its the type of pump. Ive had a hospital grade medela since I was in the hospital since my insurance company didnt think mine needed to be ordered until I was 30 days from due date. When mine came in I was excited to try it out only so I could return the hospital one. Well after about 10 min I knew that one was junk and there was no way it was ever going to get all the milk out.
