Saturday, May 24, 2014

Hey, so, remember that time I had a blog and I updated it?  No?  Me neither.  A lot has happened in my little world.  Munchkin still wakes me up 3-4 times a night so details are somewhat hazy.  Don't judge.  KH had her first illness.  She had a fever that didn't get too high.  I was playing the, "mommy feel" game instead of taking her temperature.  I knew she wasn't feeling like herself and she was warm.  I picked her up from the sitter one day after work and by the time I got home, she was head to toe in a rash.  I changed her diaper and noticed blood.  At that point, I took her temperature and it was 101.0.  Texts started flying to all of my friends.  The mommy instinct told me to wait it out.  2 of the friends I phoned said to take her to the ER.  I decided to call the doctor's office and speak with the on-call doctor to get their opinion.  AND I never got a return phone call.  I waited until the next day and took her in.  Her fever broke around 4 in the morning.  I know this because she wouldn't let me sleep.  I took her to the doc anyway, due to the other symptoms.  Diagnosis: probably a viral infection, maybe of the tummy variety.  The first symptoms started a few days after the 4 month visit to the doc's office so I'm pretty sure that's where she picked it up.  Oh well.  I survived KH's first illness with only a $20 co-pay!!!

I had to call into work the day I took her to the doctor's office.  I was already scheduled to be off the next weekend.  With all that time, I was off 8 days in a row.  I loved being home with my baby for that long again.  I also LOVED the fact I only pumped 8 times in 8 days!!!  Have I mentioned lately that I hate the pump?  KH is growing and changing so quickly.  I spent most of the days, as is normal, laying on the floor with her watching her explore.  She has started to scoot on tummy time, albeit in a backwards motion.  She still won't roll from her back to her belly.  I keep encouraging it but it just won't happen.  One day I'll look up and she'll be on the other side of the room. Then I'll wish I hadn't encouraged it so much!

New question I've been tossing around:  When should I start solid foods?  I Google the question and a million different answers pop up.  Her grandmother has been trying to push it on me and I keep saying she's not ready yet.  I read that they need to have complete control of their head and control of their gag reflex.  Neither one of those apply to my child.  At her 4 month check she was 56% on weight and 93% on head.  She's got a lot of brain to control!  Of course you hear they'll sleep better if you give them solid foods.  I have friends giving solid foods to their babies and they say that's 100% crap.  Throwing some cereal in with the night time feed doesn't do anything to help.  Baby still wakes up when it wants to.  My doctor didn't say anything to me at the 4 month exam or the following week's sick visit about introducing solids.  She was happy with the weight gain and content that I'm still breastfeeding.  The thing is, I enjoy breastfeeding.  KH is happy, gaining weight, and doesn't seem the slightest bit interested in solids. In fact, when I, or anyone else for that matter, eat in front of her, she laughs.  She doesn't open her mouth and try to mimic what I'm doing.  She laughs.  Hysterically.  I'm going to keep putting it off until the doc says it's time or I think she's ready.

I'm sure there were other things I was going to mention in the blog that were important but I really can't remember what they were.  When something comes to me, I'll add it in a new blog.  If I remember.  Geez, baby brain doesn't disappear when you have the kid!  Until next time!

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