Monday, March 7, 2016

It's been 5 months since my last post. Life on the breastfeeding end, and the work end, have been easy. Thanks to my custody agreement, KH spends a night a week away from me. She asks for her "booboos" regularly. I've had to pick and choose when I allow her to breastfeed. Without a doubt, when she wakes up and when she goes to bed are 2 times that are a given. The other times I breastfeed her are when I pick her up from the sitter after being away from me overnight, when she doesn't feel well, and some naptimes when I need to calm her down to go to sleep. There have been a few random fever days where she asks to breastfeed 4-5 times a day. Obviously the health benefits are greater than the idea of weaning so I let her do it. At this point, she's 26 months. I know she needs to wean at some point, but I don't know when that will be.

We're potty training now which is going very well. We also spend a lot of time outside playing.

She had a stomach bug recently and vomitted everything she ate for dinner. She asked for her boobies and I told her no. Her stomach was sour so I didn't want to throw milk on it. I told her we could rock instead and, within 3 minutes, she was out cold! It was sad, because we nurse before bed. That was the first time I got her to sleep without it.

Potty training also adds to my thought that she's getting older. I don't want my baby to grow up! Yet, it's part of the process. She's 26 months and in the 95th and 96th percentile in height and weight. She's big for her age and a lot of people mistake her for someone older. She nurses for nutrition and comfort. Recently, I believe it's more for comfort. It's an opportunity for she and I to be as close as mommy and baby can be. Hopefully soon I'll be able to write a post on how to wean. Well, soon-ish. It will happen when it does. I'll let you know!

Until next time!

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