Thursday, November 24, 2016

34 months! That was our final breastfeeding date. I made a plan to make it 3 weeks. We made it 34 months! Do you know what that means? We made it past most people's comfort zone. 2 months shy of 3 years is a long time! Woohoo! We survived custody issues and many nights away from each other, but we made it!

Know what else we survived? My leaving law enforcement. I said that having the munchkin wouldn't change me and I made a point for it to not be so. It didn't happen. I wanted to help everyone. Even in the schools, I wanted to take every kid home.

I went back to patrol. The first dead person made me question everything. I was no longer the hard core patrol officer I once was. I was a mom. I cried for the family. I cried knowing the deceased wouldn't affect another life. I cried. I picked up my kiddo and tried to be happy, but I cried. I got mad at her because I had a crappy day and she didn't understand why. I cried more. I realized the reason wasn't she or I. It was the job. At that point, I decided it was time to walk away.

 KH is my life, and the person my job made me was not the person I wanted her to know. I know this blog was about breastfeeding cops and the support that goes along with it, but I realized there was so much more. I don't discourage moms from being Police Officers. I'm very proud of the profession I chose and the lives I impacted. I fully support mommy Police Officers and think about you every day.  I simply couldn't do it anymore.

It took me 6 months after leaving the job to not see a dead person when I closed my eyes at night. I fully support Police Officers and will to the day I die. Why? Because I was one. I loved my job. When it got to the point it effected my family, I walked away. So here is my final blog post. I have a happy, healthy life. I love my daughter. I'm jaded at times, but I'm good now. I fully support public servants in every field. Police, Fire, EMT, military, volunteers... We are one in the same. If you find yourself in a not-so-fun situation, message me. I'll even give you my number so we can talk. We are a brother/sisterhood and we stand by each other!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff, Crystal. I know I appreciated having you out there with us. You've definitely been missed.
    I'm glad you're sharing your experiences. Going to be a comfort to many. Take care and good luck!
