Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How did no one warn me about fingernails?  Holy cow those things hurt! Everything's all good and well in feeding land until she starts squeezing.  Then, as I sit there cringing, I wonder how quickly I can get to the clippers.  On the other side of the room.  On the dresser.  Do you know how long that takes?  Then, you grab the clippers and have to keep the 7 month old distracted long enough to clip 1 nail.  10 is out of the question in one sitting.  1 nail at a time over a 48 hour time frame to keep them from causing extreme agony over and over again. Who would've thought something so minute would cause so much difficulty?

Also, I'm getting kicked in the face, jaw, neck, forearm, hand, etc. while breastfeeding. It's becoming an every time occurrence. KH is a mover and a shaker.  When I look at the growth expectancies and where they should be developmentally, she's always one step ahead.  I blame that giganto head of hers that's so full of brains.  Anyway, breastfeeding is becoming a fun act.

Tonight, while doing the night feed, she decided she would start niplashing all over again.  I'm pretty sure I've talked about niplash in a prior blog.  It happens when she's feeding as normal, then all of a sudden turns her head, taking my nipple with her and breaking the latch in a loud smack.  Doah!.  Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to combat this particular instance.  During this feed, she would be eating fine.  Eyes closing, hands open in normal position, awesome latch.  Then all of a sudden, boom!  She jerks her head, niplashing.  The first time I thought she saw/heard something out of the ordinary.  However, she latched right back on.  Less than 2 seconds elapsed.  All was going well and after about 2 minutes, BAM! Niplash again!  Same scenario, less than 2 seconds and she was back on.  For anyone reading this who has never experienced niplash, it's not pleasant.  Painful is a decent explanation, but not quite the perfect one.  I decided to take it away from her.  I said, "Ow," as I usually do when she does something while eating that causes me pain.  No effect.  After a few more minutes, she did it again.  I tried taking it away.  I said, "Ow," picked her up, and put her on my shoulder.  She cried and cried and cried.  After about a minute (seemed like 5), I let her back on.  Within a minute, same thing.  Son of a &^^%&*($!!!  So, I switched boobs, thinking that may help.  Nope.  Not. One. Bit.  She kept doing it over and over again, no matter how many times I took it away.  This all occurs on the Boppy pillow. I took her to her normal co-sleeping place and she had no problems.  In less than 10 minutes, she was asleep.

Whoever said breastfeeding is easy was, in my opinion, a joke.  No part of this has been easy.  It's been awesome, don't get me wrong, but very difficult.  I know we'll overcome this hurdle.  I just have to figure out how.  I'll let ya know when I get there.

Completely unrelated, I went to the Great Texas Balloon Race this past weekend.  Completely awesome!!!  Here's a bit of what I saw.  Hope you enjoy this completely unrelated photo op.  Until next time!

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