Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Know what's awesome about parenting? Everything! It's always a new surprise. KH has started waking up "for good" between 6 & 7 on my days off. I blame having to wake her up at 515ish on my work days. Anyway, I've battled this by moving her from my bed to her crib. I leave the monitor on so I can hear her. So far, it's given me at least 2 hours of extra sleep per try. Saturday morning, I was supposed to be at work at 11. KH decided she wanted to wake up at 6. I said no thanks. Put her in her crib and went back to sleep. My alarm went off at 845 and I was shocked! Almost 3 hours of extra sleep! I hopped in the shower, got dressed, then went to check on her. Huh. Much to my, um, surprise(?) she was laying on her stomach asleep. In poo. That had clearly been there a while. Crap. Literally. I have to be at work soon. I don't have time for this! Baby wipes. Those must be able to do the trick. I laid her on the changing table and one, two, four, six wipes later... I'm still finding poo and she smells atrocious. I text my supervisor. A poop party, not my own, has happened. May be late to work. I text the sitter for the day: "Poo party. Haven't even thought about leaving the house." Luckily that came with an offer to come pick her up. Yes, please!!! It was so nasty. I swear she managed to get it in the neck fat rolls! Sitter picked her up, I got to work on time, whew!

Another thing: I got kicked in the face yesterday by KH. While she was breastfeeding. Yep, I'm watching her eat and smiling along as usual when, "WHAM!" Right in the face! Or as Peter Griffin would say, "Pow, right in the kisser. Pow, right in the kisser. Pow, right in the kisser."

I'm determined my kid's first word will be "boobie." When it is, I will laugh. Hysterically. Thereby, hopefully, causing her to repeat it over and over again. Awesome parenting skills! I have my reasons. I'll mention further at a later date. Until next time!

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