Tuesday, August 19, 2014

It's a Christmas (in August) miracle!! KH has started sleeping longer stretches through the night and has (gasp) moved to her crib!!! The first night she slept next to me in bed for 7 hours straight, she woke me up numerous times kicking.  I didn't think that was all too fair, so I figured I'd try out the next night in her crib.  She either would sleep, or she wouldn't.  2 options.  Either of which, I was properly prepared for.  For 7.5 months she slept with me, waking up anywhere from ever 45 minutes to every 3 hours.  What's one night of a trial run?  She slept.... 8 hours in her first stretch in her crib!!! I was ecstatic.  Of course, you know, I woke up every 2-3 hours as my body has been trained.  I'd wake up, freak out, check the monitor to make sure it still worked, turn the volume up extra high to get the feedback to make sure it really was working, then try to get back to sleep after my minor moment of insanity.  Okay, okay, it was more a major moment of insanity.  What do you expect?  I was sleeping without her in my bed for the first time in 7 months and the first time not in my room ever!  Since then, it's been a back and forth limbo.  1 night she woke up every 3 hours like clock work.  I thought I was going to die.  It's amazing how you can follow a routine for 7 months, then after a few days of change, you have no idea what was involved in that initial routine.  We'll call that "parenting."

Anyway.  She's not sleeping all the way through the night.  She's usually up, at minimum, by 5 am to eat.  She then goes back to sleep until around 8ish.  I went from sleeping...  I just sat at the computer watching my cursor because I couldn't quantify it.  I didn't really sleep.  I was tired.  I slept walked through days.  Now, I feel like a new woman!!!

On a less exciting note, my milk stash is going away.  Sad day, sad day.  My pumping sessions have gone from 4-5 ounces per pump, to 3ish or so ounces per pump.  It's disheartening.  I still have a supply in the freezer.  I haven't counted in a while so I can't say for sure exactly how much.  I am definitely not going to have a starving child in the next day or 2.  Speaking of my kid eating, we've now tried sweet potatoes, avocado, peaches, carrots, pears, lemons, and limes. She loves to eat!  Don't get me wrong, she still loves the boob.  Nothing is going to change that right now.  However, she's an explorer.  She's gone from scooting around to crawling from one end of the room to the next in a matter of a few minutes.  My baby girl is growing up so fast!!! Slow down time!!!  I guess that's what's supposed to happen.  Babies grow, mom's get sleep, blogs get written... Well, maybe that last part is unique in and of itself.

Texas heat has caused a bad reaction on me.  I'm exhausted.  I'm going to have to end on that note and head to the sack.  G'night all.  Until next time!

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