Thursday, September 4, 2014

Topics to discuss since my last post: Sleep, Why Would I Want to Sleep, and Niplash.

So, as I mentioned in my last post, KH started sleeping. I had no clue how much I needed that extra sleep. I was a rock, determined, headstr-zzzzzzz.  Screw it, I was tired. Emotionally, physically, mentally, and any other -ly there is. I was on the verge of a breakdown and did not know because everyday was more and more exhausting. Looking back, I really don't know how I survived. Alas, here I am. She's still in her crib, although some nights it's challenging. Most nights she sleeps 6-7ish hours her first stint. Most, not all. During that time, I have me time and get 4-5 hours of sleep. Way better than the 1-2 I was getting before. There are still some nights that she's up every 1-3. Those typically occur on nights before workdays and I have to get up early. Thanks munchkin!

I'll try "Why Would I Want to Sleep" for $200, Alex. Those days!!!! Yes, we all know those days happen, but we'd like to keep them a distant blur. My story is sad. It comes with an entry of, "I did everything I know to do and just couldn't think of anything else." KH has her days. On some of her days, she takes 2, 3, or 4 naps. I have learned the more naps she takes, the better she sleeps at night. Rewind to a few days ago. She took 1 30 minute nap throughout the whole day. 1. That 1 she took was on the couch and she fought every second of iy. I did everything I knew to do.  I sang, hugged, nursed, held, rocked, walked, etc. I couldn't get her to sleep! She was exhausted. Eventually, after at least 20 minutes of screaming, she gave in and fell asleep. Then, she huffed and puffed in her sleep. I felt bad enough not being able to comfort her so that was an added negative. That night, she repeated the screaming. I was clueless. I'd done everything prior. She was rubbing her eyes, yawning, and screaming bloody murder. I ended up walking outside and letting her cry in her crib. I was done. Between the screaming during the day and the screaming at night, I needed help. Help wasn't there, so I walked away. Was it the right thing to do? Yes and no. Yes in that she finally went to sleep. No in that I was afraid I'd hurt my baby!

Special note: she has her first tooth popping through. This could very well be the problem

Let's change it up a bit. I'll have Niplash for $1600, Alex. I know I've mentioned it before, but sweet mother of pearl!!! It's become so prevalent, my nipples are as sore as the first week we started nursing. I tried telling her no. She grinned at me. I tried taking it away. She found it. I told her no. She laughed. Clearly, I needed to be more stern. I started popping her diaper when she does it and saying no. Don't get me wrong, it's not a spanking. It's very light and on the diaper only for a startle reflex. When I first started, she didn't correlate. She smiled and laughed while I was trying to be strict. It wasn't effective, so I stsrted grounding her from the boob. You want to talk about sad eyes and pouty lips?! I think, after 3 days, she's starting to figure it out. In fact, today I could feel her about to niplash me. She stopped, looked me in the eye, and kept eating. My tits say to cross your fingers for them. They're begging for mercy and wonderimg how much more they can take!

That's it for me tonight ladies and gents. Until next time!

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