Saturday, September 27, 2014

After a week of using the Symphony pump, I'm addicted. I didn't pump any more than usual, but I pumped it in half the time. ZERO pain. I really wish I'd used it from the start. After speaking with my lactation consultant about the low yields, she suggested a milk transfer check. KH fed, in the middle of the day and after 3 hours of not eating, and ate 2 1/3 ounces. The obvious equivalent of what I've been pumping. Good and bad. Good: my body's responding to what it thinks she needs. Bad: she drinks from a bottle with zero effort when she's not with me and therefore eats more than that. Clearly she's eating more than I'm pumping.  Bummer. It was suggested that I start taking a supplement to help boost milk production. Enter Go-Lacta. That's what I'm tryimg at the moment. It's nutritionally based, not an herb, so it's supposed to be better for me. I'm curious to see if there will be a difference over the next few days. I pumped this morning, post-feed, and got 1.5 ounces. That's a huge difference over the few drops I was getting before. Again, like the last entry, I'll keep you posted on the outcome. Until next time!

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