Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tomorrow starts a new journey in my life. I've had a persistent pelvic problem that I tried sweeping under the rug. It got to the point that I had to go back on light duty. I'm now working 4 10 hour shifts in a row instead of a maximum of 3 12's in a row. The problem has been pumping. The pumping was slacking and my body was hating it more than normal. So much so that I am pumping 2ish ounces per pump session. Before, when I wasn't on light duty, I could go to the house and pump. At least there I was in KH's room where I was comfortable and a little more relaxed. Now, I'm in a room I've pumped in a few times without a whole lot of success. When I pump, I squeeze, massage, push, move positions, etc., and still get 2 ounces. By the end of the day, I'm in engorgement pain. I can always feel the milk, I just can't get it out! I know it's not a supply issue. When I'm off work, KH is pretty much exclusively breastfed. We have zero problems... So, when I say I'm starting a new journey, I'm starting one with a new pump. I'm pushing the Medela Pump n Style to the curb and trying the Medela Symphony. If it works, I'm going to be renting it permanently. If it doesn't, I have to go back to the drawing board to solicit help/advice. Wish me luck! I'll let y'all know how it goes.

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