Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dear Blog,

     I'm sorry I keep forgetting you exist.  Please forgive me and accept this update as a score evener-outer!



Now that the awkwardness is out of the way, back to me!  A lot has happened lately.  KH turned 6 months old.  6 months!!! How did that happen?  It seems like yesterday she was a new ball of wonders with a head that could only look up with my support.  Now she's sitting upright, playing with her toes, laughing and smiling, and everything she can touch goes straight into her mouth.  One fun thing to note about her 6 month day is:  we made it!!! What is it?  It is the phenomenal accomplishment of being exclusively breastfed everyday of her life.  No other nutrition entered her body.  No formula, cereal, foods, etc.  Only breast milk! To anyone reading this who doesn't know, that's a heck of an accomplishment.  It's recommended that babies be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of their lives.  The recommendation comes from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Health Organization.... Yet doctors encourage their patients to start their babies on solid foods at 4 months.  I don't understand the logic.  In the United States, only 15% of moms and babies make that milestone.  Well, ladies and gents, KH and I are part of that 15%!!

After the 6 month mark, we had to try food.  Had to because it's inevitable, not because I wanted to. I decided her first food would be avocado.  I mushed a bunch of it into a consistency similar to guacamole, then added breast milk.  Lots and lots of breast milk!  She seemed to enjoy it.  The look on her face was classic.  Towards the end of the small meal, I decided to offer her one more bite.  Just one more.  She gave me a face that said, "Yuck, gross, get it away, WTF, how is this happening?"  Okay, okay, okay, we're done for the day.

It's officially July which means we should be well into the Texas summer and 100 degree temps by now.  Thank goodness that's not the case.  The highest temperature I've seen so far is 95. Don't let numbers fool you.  When you're working a wreck on the asphalt street with no breeze, the exhaust from a car hitting you and the sun is relentlessly beating down on you, 95 degrees is hot!  I have been forced in years past to deal with swass.  I know that sounds like a hip new term for something the cool kids are doing.  In actuality, it's a combination of sweaty and ass.  Yes, that's what you get when you combine Texas heat with humidity and a uniform.  Now that I'm pumping so regularly, I'm having to deal with swoob.  Yep, that's right.  Sweaty boob.  It's absolutely disgusting.  Why sweat has such a repulsive effect on the body, I will never know.  There are many factors that can cause your letdown to be greater or lesser.  I wonder if the smell has anything to do with it?  A friend of mine asked me if I knew there was such a thing as underboob deodorant.  My response was: Did you know I put deodorant under my boobs?  It's true!  It keeps the smell down and makes everything a little more pleasant.  And there, my friends, is your TMI for the day.  Remember next time you're running, mowing the yard, or laying in a hammock in the heat:  deodorant for underboob is the answer to your problems!!!

KH still doesn't know how to sleep through the night.  At 6 months, the most sleep I've gotten in a row recently is 2 hours.  Yeah, take that in for just a second.  She's 6 months old and doesn't sleep longer than 2 hours at a time.  That means some nights she sleeps less.  My middle name has become zombie.  I'm not really sure how I've kept up.  I guess because I have no other choice in the matter.  Plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead!!  On that note, I'm going to bed.  Until next time!

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