Friday, July 11, 2014

Distracted breastfeeding has become more fun as the days go by.  It's a regular occurrence to "catch" KH if she's eating on the Boppy.  She arches her back, turns her head (nipple included), and looks around.  She's also become amazingly awesome at kicking me so I can't hold her on.  I was feeding her at the lactation consultant's shop earlier this week.  There was a newer mom in the room with me who was also feeding her baby.  She watched KH flip and flop, tuck and roll, and make quick rapid movements.  I swear that poor mom's eyes doubled in size and her jaw dropped.  "I thought this was supposed to get easier!"  Oh honey, don't worry.  It gets easier.  Then it gets interesting.  She's more efficient than she used to be so an average breastfeeding session, compared to 2 months ago, takes a few minutes less. If I could keep her focused, it'd be super quick!  I wonder if I could figure out a way to let her watch tv or something along those lines.  Then again, she's a big fan of grabbing her feet and pulling them with her so maybe that wouldn't work either.  Meh, hogwash!

We still have no teeth.  Thank goodness! I feel around on her bottom gums everyday to make sure I am not about to fall victim to a chomp.  I'm afraid.  Very, very afraid!

Next week is our 6 month (and 2 week) checkup.  I'm super excited to see where she falls on the chart in percentiles.  Remember, we started at 25% in weight and last check were up to 56%.  We shall see!  She enjoys eating food which is exciting, yet sad.  I love breastfeeding.  Introducing food means a reduction in the amount she eats straight from me.  My kiddo's growing up.... I'm happy in that she's happy and completely in line developmentally.  I'm sad at the fact she's not so much my little baby anymore.  Moms, if I even needed to say it, take lots of pictures!!!  KH's hair is getting long to the point of not being able to wear headbands with bows.  I'm still doing it, just not as often.  Another sign of growing up.  Oh well, this little stage will pass and soon she'll let me put clips in her hair.  I sure hope so, anyway.  I've had a few sleepless nights, thanks to my kiddo, so I'm going to head to the sack.  Here's a picture of KH that I took a week and a half ago.  Until next time!

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