Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The verdict is: KH was up to 17 pounds 11 ounces and 71st percentile!!! Holy moly when did my kid get so big? Breast milk is best milk for nutrition. She got her vaccines at the appointment and for the second time, she spiked a fever. The first time was the first round. She had no issues with the second round. This makes me think back to what was done. The only consistency is the Rota Virus vaccine. Is that the cause? I have no idea. I'm not a doctor or a medical professional of any sort. However, it very well could be a possibility. Her fever was never super high. I took it twice during the day and both times it sat at 100.5 degrees. I used the feel method the rest of the time to know she was still warm. Of course the cuddles were a great indicator. Man I loved spending that day with her. It sucked that she felt bad, but for the first time in a while, she fell asleep on my shoulder. She's growing up so fast and I try to savor every opportunity I can.

My pump routine on days off has always been: once in the morning after the morning feed and no more. I hate pumping, I've said this numerous times. So I stopped pumping on days off altogether. My life is so much nicer without that extra nuisance! My stash of milk has stayed pretty solid at 300ish ounces. I'm starting the slow introduction of solid foods so occasionally I pump for fresh milk to use. Mostly, I just don't.

Work is still being amazing with me and my pumping. I'm going to have to reduce my pumping by a session before too long. I just don't know when yet. I'm not ready yet.

Time's up for now. Until next time!

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